Thursday, October 29, 2009

Formula for Moral nilai(SPM)

well,I creat a formular for me to easy to remember the moral nilai,
so I hope this formular also will help you all~

Bidang 1(about ourself),this not creat by me
5k 2h 2b R.A.T

1.kepercayaan kepada Tuhan.
2.kasih sayang

6.hemah inggi
7.harga diri



Bidang 2(about keluarga)
Hen Tuck Ki,Mou Tak Teng(肯德基,不能挡)
remember it as KFC...

Hormat dan Taat kepada anggota keluarga,
Kasih sayang terhadap keluarga,
Mengekalkan Tradisi kekeluargaan,
Tanggungjawab terhadab keluarga.

bidang 4(about negara)
CINTAat SangKor

CINTA akan negara,
taat setia kepada Raja dan negara,
Sanggup berKorban untuk negara.

bidang 5(about hak)
2H3L LkLp^2
HL is a bran which have milk produck,
this milk is good for women and golongan kurang upaya.
LkLp^2,you can remember as LK tuition center
Lp^2 mean lelaki dan perempuan,and girl is more than boy in this world.
remember as H=hormat,and this got 2(2H),
L=lindung,and this got 3(3L).

mengHormati hak wanita,
mengHormati hak golongan kurang upaya.

melindungi hak kanak-kanak,
melindungi hak pekerja,
melindungi hak pengguna.

this is all I have now(24nilai),
other bidang(3,6 and 7)will come out later.
hope this formular will help you all~
ps:give some comment pls~

Thursday, October 15, 2009

just blah blah blah~

Me,with my gang in tuition centre has just celebrate my dear birthday ,
she never come~
what the F......ish~
but still give the present to she la~
she is waiting untail SPM coming and eat~

then today I attend to school,
my school teacher don't know is crazy or what,
give us a lot or paper,
ekonomi got 2 set,
add math got 4 set,
sejarah got 3 set,
need to finish it in this holiday~
don't know how to finish it~
damn crazy~~~~~~~~~~~~`````````````````

Friday, October 2, 2009

Happy Birthday to LIms~

Happy Birthday to my friend~Lim~
yesterday is your birthday,but never give you anything,
sorry ya~
wish you have a good result in SPM~
and enjoy your life~

Yesterday is a boring day,
ponteng sekolah, >.<'' go Selayang Mall Johnny's Restaurant eat our breakfirst+lunch~ nah~she is the person who Birthday yesterday,Lims~

enjoy+ing her TonYam~

sweet couper~~

my friend who ponteng together,

this is what I order~not bad~

then I plan to go back to school,
but ,I does no do it,
course damn tired at that time,
then I never tell anyone,
just leave alone,

before I go home,
I buy My love brand~McD,
have a blue McD glass~^^


next week friday will celebrate my dear birthday~
don't know what I want to give my dear,no idea at all,
anybody have any idea????
help me please~